Tru Water


Design packaging for a higher-end beverage, targeting consumers who are comfortable spending more for novelty consumer goods.


I knew that for a higher-end good, the packaging needed to be unique and eye-catching. I wanted Tru to have an art like quality to its can that elevated its status as soon as consumers’ eyes landed on it. Given the company’s message and promise of simple ingredients, I also wanted this can to come off as clean and modern.


I wanted the logo to have a simple and honest approach to really convey the brands message and/or alluding to the focus on organic and environmentally conscious products. When sketching for the can, I was really inspired by the fluidity of water and abstract shapes, going back to wanting to bring a sense of art into the packaging.

Digital Drafts Round 1

Digital Drafts Round 2

Final Design

When deciding on a name for this company, I landed on Tru. It’s symbolistic in that by dropping the “e”, you still have the original product, just without the unnecessary added ingredients. While I initially wanted to keep the can extremely simple to resemble to contents of the can, I found myself starting to develop more of a personality for the brand. It started when I was designing the packaging for the cardboard container of the the cans that it occurred to me, a company this dedicated to their product, consumers, and the environment wouldn’t always want to be so silent about it. That inspired this pattern of type, listing all of Tru Water’s promises and beliefs. It might be a little in your face or to the point, but that’s just how bold they’re aiming to be, both in flavor and messaging.



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